Undergraduate Internships

Can I get credit for an internship?

History majors in both the College and the SFS can obtain academic credit in History (3 credits) for academic work connected to one internship during their GU years.  The credits take the form of an elective course in History (HIST 2001 in Fall, 2002 in Spring).  The internship has to meet the criteria detailed below.

What internships are eligible?

Acceptable internships must require a minimum of 10 hours per week, and involve substantial research and writing in fields reasonably related to historical work.  Internships most likely to be suitable include those at: museums; non-profit organizations or federal agencies engaged in research; entities such as the Wilson Center or the Library of Congress; and of course any type of agency or office engaged specifically in historical work and research.  The Career Center offers useful resources for internships, which students are encouraged to use to find possible options.

Does the internship need to be unpaid?

Both paid and unpaid internships may be considered for this tutorial.  Eligible internship will occur during the two main academic semesters; no arrangements can be made for summer internships.

What does the course connected with the internship require?

The course (HIST 2001 or 2002) will consist of regular meetings (usually, monthly) with a faculty supervisor, discussion and review of the work produced for the internship, and a paper (of about 8-10 pages) in which students report on the internship work, reflects on the internship experience and what it has taught them about the professional work sphere, and relates the experience to their academic work in History.  Specific topics for the reflection part of the paper may include the student’s experience of team work, how to understand the structure of an organization, how to handle professional contexts and/or conflicts, issues of diversity in the workplace, etc.

How do I enroll in this course?

Students need to petition to participate in this course.  No set GPA is required.  The petition should include a description of the internship and a statement of how the student sees the internship fit with the student’s overall academic progress and interests. Please submit the petition to Professor Astarita (astaritt@georgetown.edu ) and Professor Meredith McKittrick (mckittrick@georgetown.edu).