Honors Program

Honors Program

The Department of History encourages excellent students to participate in its Honors Program. Students who are accepted take a two-semester Senior Honors Seminar (HIST 4998-4999) in which they produce a distinguished research thesis of scholarly depth and analytical sophistication. Recent theses are available electronically through Lauinger Library. The Seminar allows one the opportunity to work closely with other Honors students and individually with a faculty member. This work can be a capstone for the major and a culmination of a student’s undergraduate experience.

All History and International History majors in the College and SFS are welcome to apply, and, if admitted, to take the Seminar and write a thesis (though to graduate with “History Honors” HIST students must maintain a GPA of 3.67 in the major; IHIS Majors must maintain a 3.67 in the major and a 3.5 overall). The year-long Seminar fulfills the requirements for two courses numbered 3000 or above and, depending on the topic, can be applied to whichever region covered.

Application Process for Fall 2024 (Applications are closed for AY24-25)

To apply to the Honors program, please complete the following:

1. Application form. (Including uploads for points 2-5).

2. Thesis proposal. Two-page, double-spaced proposal outlining your topic and questions to be addressed.

3. Bibliography. A bibliography identifying possible archives/libraries/primary sources appropriate for the thesis as well as relevant secondary source material.

4. Writing sample. A writing sample of at least five pages (double-spaced) from a History class , preferably showing original analysis and/or primary source research.

5. Unofficial transcript.

6. Formal recommendation. Sent separately by a member of the History department.

Please complete the application by Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 5 PM; direct your recommendation writer to email their letter separately to Professor Leonard (ael3@georgetown.edu). The Honors Committee will evaluate the proposals and let you know the results before Fall registration begins. All decisions of the Honors Committee are final.

The department will host a workshop on March 13, 2024 to help students form their thesis proposal and put together their application.

Interested candidates may contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Meredith McKittrick, for more information.