Completed Capstone Papers


Kyle Applegate
“Myths and Memories: The Czech(oslovak) Legion’s Influence on the Creation and Legitimization of the First Czechoslovak Republic”
Advisor: James Shedel

Nargis Azaryun
“The New World Disorder: The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order”
Advisor: James Millward

Eamonn Bellin
“‘Justice to Our People’: John and William Gladstone in the Age of Abolition”
Advisor: Alison Games

Tanushree Bhatia
“Dalit in the Digital Space: Narratives of Dalit Feminists in Chitrakoot and Reimagining Community Media through Everyday Histories”
Advisor: Ananya Chakravarti

Bryan Checo
“Specters of 1945: The Legacy of the Historikerstreit in Third Reich Historiography”
Advisor: Aviel Roshwald

Joshua Downes (MAGIC/MSFS)
“Confronting the ‘Better’ American: An Investigation into American Military Behavior in the Boxer Rebellion, 1900-1901”
Advisor: James Millward

Sareena Dubey
“Of Rats and Men—Exploring Othering in the 1924 Los Angeles Pneumonic Plague Outbreak through Photographs: Insights from the 1907 San Francisco Bubonic Plague”
Advisor: Mireya Loza and Timothy Newfield
Frank Gao
“Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Scaffoldings of Empire: Nation Building from the Philippines to Afghanistan”
Advisor: Toshihiro Higuchi

You (Leo) Li
“Mustached Cross-Dressing Performer: Mei Lanfang’s Story of Resistance during the Sino-Japanese War”
Advisor: Toshihiro Higuchi

Shea Megale (MAGIC/MSFS)
“Priests of Sky: Bird Priests as Status Markers and Embodiments of Identity in Funerary Artifacts and Beyond”
Advisor: James Millward and Gregory Afinogenov

Matthew Miyamoto
“Cross Pacific Prisoners: Japanese Americans in US-Japan Civilian Hostage Exchanges During World War II”
Advisor: Toshihiro Higuchi

Mallory Page
“Conquering with Cartography: Japanese Depictions of Hokkaido During the Tokugawa Period”
Advisor: Toshihiro Higuchi

Jason Roeder
“Never Say ‘Jawohl’ Again: Portraying the Citizen Soldier in West German Cinema”
Advisor: Anna von der Goltz and Thomas Zimmer

Caleb Russell
“The One and the Two: Monism and Dualism in the Church and the Works of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and Marsilio Ficino”
Advisor: Tommaso Astarita

Glenn Williamson
“Demographics, Sovereignty and Land: State Building by Trustees in the Oklahoma and Indian Territories and the Mandate for Palestine”
Advisor: James Millward

Zhenhao (Oscar) Yu
“Dragon Perching on the Ear: Deafness in Late Imperial China”
Advisor: James Millward

Eric Anderson
“Shipwrecked: The Burlingame Policy and US Strategy in China, 1867-1871”
Advisor: Adam Rothman

Theodore Bergwerk
“State Formation and Empire Building: A Case Study of the Mughal and Qing Empires”
Advisor: James Millward

Idan Chazan
“’The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back’: The 1996 Blood Affair and the Navon Commission”
Advisor: Gregory Afinogenov

Guanran Cui
“Ming-Mongol Wars and Borderland Society in the Mid-Sixteenth Century”
Advisor: James Millward

Molly Duggan
“Images of Africa: British and American Perceptions of Africa During the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”
Advisor: Meredith McKittrick

Katherine Evans
“’What Use Are the Laws When Money is King?’: Acknowledging the Colonial Origins of Illicit Finance”
Advisor: Jamie Martin

Abbey Finn
“From Curanderismo to Espiritismo: Witchcraft and Colonialism in New Spain”
Advisor: Susan Pinkard

Halaina Halsted
“Women as Community Builders: Feminist Periodicals in 1960s-1970s Seattle”
Advisor: Michael Amezcua

Kendall Henry
“’They’re African Freedom-Fighters Now’: American Public Opinion, White Mercenaries and the Congo Crisis, 1960-1965”
Advisor: Meredith McKittrick

Josephine Kim
“Searching for Rovaniemi: A Local City Bound by Arctic History and the Imagination”
Advisor: Jordan Sand

Shuhao Liang
“Not Just Nationalism: Chinese Attitudes Towards Foreign Cuisines in Republican Shanghai”
Advisor: Susan Pinkard

Devinie Rukshani Lye-Ukwattage
“The Domestic Origins of the International Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime”
Advisor: Toshihiro Higuchi

Ansley Markwell
“Red Peril and Unamicable Amis: Fear and the Soviet and American Occupations of Postwar Germany”
Advisor: Anna von der Goltz

Mallory Marlin
“Connected Worlds: Cotton Mather and the Nishmath-Chajim”
Advisor: Alison Games

Sarah Myers
“Female Freedom Fighters: Ex-Combatants of Southern African Liberation Movements”
Advisor: Meredith McKittrick

Nicholas Nunez
“Multimodal Matrix: Dynamic Chinese Foreign Policy in Europe During the Sino-Soviet Split”
Advisor: Toshihiro Higuchi

Maggie Shaw
“The Contradictory Life of Ida Tarbell: An American Working Woman Against the Development of Women’s Rights”
Advisor: Joseph McCartin

Elizabeth Siwica
“Resistance to Neo-Slavery in French West Africa”
Advisor: Meredith McKittrick

Angelica Krystel von Kumberg
“Prince Valerio Borghese and the Two Ita(Lies): Operation Gladio and the Years of Lead”
Advisor: Aviel Roshwald and Gregory Afinogenov

Julia Walsh
“The Diary of Dr. Celia M. Millward: Understanding Academic Women and Motherhood in the 1960s”
Advisor: Joseph McCartin and Susan Pinkard

Sijian Wang
“Consulting the Deities: Superstition and Violence in the 19th-Century Guangdong”
Advisor: James Millward

Ruhao Wen
“A Bridge Between East and West: Chinese Export Porcelain, British Reinventions, and Cultural Interaction in the Qing Period”
Advisor: Carol Benedict

Ziheng Yin
“Reorienting Gasprinsky’s Legacy: from Nationalism to the Bourgeois Revolution, Women’s Rights and Anti-Colonialism”
Advisor: Mustafa Aksakal

Haoqian Yu
“Nationalism and Communism in 1929: Chinese Communist Party’s Struggle and the Chinese Eastern Railway Incident”
Advisor: James Millward

Zhanhao Zhang
“Contemporary Taiwanese Nationalism from 1996 to 2008”
Advisor: Aviel Roshwald

Aiyad, Mariam
“Anticolonial Imaginaries: A Visual History of Black-Palestinian Solidarity”
Advisor: Jamie Martin

Allgood, William
“British Periodicals and the Impact of Battlefield Outcomes on British Neutrality during the American Civil War”
Advisor: Chandra Manning

Andersen, Jacob
“Black Power, On and Off Campus: A Local History of the San Francisco State Strike, 1968–1969”
Advisor: Marcia Chatelain & Michael Kazin

Castellon Gutierrez, Jose
“The Ones Left Behind: Legacy of the Salvadoran Civil War”
Advisor: John Tutino

Donahue, Casey (MAGIC/MSFS)
“Imagining O’Neil, Nebraska: Irishness and its Uses in a Western American Town”
Advisor: Cóilín Parsons

Huntsman, Stewart
“Fueling Fascism at Home and Abroad: How the Relationships Between U.S. Oilmen and European Fascists Shaped International and U.S. Domestic Politics”
Advisor: David Painter

Logan, Taelor
“Sealing the Deal – Balancing Diplomacy and Science in the Age of Conservation”
Advisor: Toshihiro Higuchi

Mobley, Tianna
“Legal Personalities of Early Modern Afro-Colombians in the Spanish Atlantic”
Advisor: Alison Games

Peng, Shuang
“Women Balked at Their Doorstep: Gender Division of Labor in British Propagandic Images, 1914-1927”
Advisor: James Millward

Schmidt, Johannes
“Spanish Schoolmen in the Shadows: Rediscovering the School of Salamanca from el descubrimiento through 20th century Mexico”
Advisor: James Millward

Torres Yunda, Miguel
“The Erosion of Paradise: The Capitalist Exploitation of the Amazon in the
Twentieth Century”
Advisor: Ananya Chakravarti

Walsh, Kathleen
“Niemals Vergessen! Remembering and Forgetting World War II in Vienna, 1946”
Advisor: James Shedel & Aviel Roshwald

Cai, Yuxuan
“Writing History in an Empire-to-Be: Ottoman Historical Accounts on the Family of Turahanoğlu in the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries”
Advisor: Gabor Agoston & James Millward

Cervantes, Valerie
“Creating the Guyanais Experience: Global Pursuits and Regional Realities in the Formation of Contemporary French and Guyanais Identities”
Advisor: Toshihiro Higuchi

Guo, Jiahui
“Rethinking Colonialism”
Advisor: David Painter & Olufemi Taiwo

Keifer, Daniel
“Sparring Partners: Evaluating Sino-Russian Détente through an Energy Perspective” / “The Tengiz Dilemma: Oil and the Institutional Underpinnings of Nazarbayev’s Authoritarianism”
Advisor: Thane Gustafson / David Painter

Kirkpatrick, Matthew
“Purifying Panama and Nicaragua: Security and Railways during the Taft Administration”
Advisor: John Tutino

Lewis, Victoria
“‘Patriotic Education’?: Federal Involvement in Education at Native American Boarding Schools and Japanese American Internment Camps”
Advisor: Katherine Benton-Cohen

Martin, Allie
“Who Really Tore Down the Wall?: Perspectives on the Myth of Ronald Reagan and the End of the Cold War”
Advisor: David Painter

Mehr, Emmanuel
“‘Scientific Nation-Making’: Harry H. Laughlin’s Quest to Harness Eugenics and Remake the U.S. Immigration System, 1919-1943”
Advisor: Katherine Benton-Cohen

Shi, Lianyu
“Patriotism, Brotherhood, and Prosperity—The Nationalist Reform of the Chinese Countryside between 1927 and 1937”
Advisor: James Millward

Tashjy, Nathan
“Prima, Pastasciutta!: Pasta, and the Development of Regional Italian Culinary Identity in the United States”
Advisor: Susan Pinkard

Zahner, Sophia
“E-Mail Order Brides: Economic Collapse, the Internet, and Human Trafficking in Russia”
Advisor: Michael David-Fox & Christopher Stolarski

Zhou, Yujin
“From Divergence to Convergence: Priorities and Sino-American Normalization in the Long Seventies”
Advisor: Toshihiro Higuchi

Atwood, Roger
“Our Word is Fire: Writers and Revolution at La Pájara Pinta, El Salvador, 1966-1975”
Advisor: John Tutino

Brazzel, Benjamin
“Guerrillas of the Rif”
Advisor: Osama Abi-Mershed

Chaudhry, Haris
“Treatment of Gender Nonconformity Among and in Relation to South Asian Sufis”
Advisor: James Millward

Colletta, Matthew
“Crisis in German Agriculture: New Strategies and New Voices, 1871-1914”
Advisor: Anna von der Goltz

Davis, Jared
“Formalized Voluntarism: Cultural Policy and Refugee Resettlement in the Americas, 1933-1942”
Advisor: Katherine Benton-Cohen

Ji, Fangchao
“Rethinking the Chinese Mining Frontier: The British and the Chinese Kongsi in West Borneo in the First Half of the 19th Century (1800-1854)”
Advisor: Carol Benedict

Johnson, Rachel
“Cultivating Power: American Corporatism in US-Japan Nuclear Power Development”
Advisor: Toshihiro Higuchi

Medine, Alec
“Between Pride and Shame: The Austrian Resistance Movement and the Denazification of Austria, 1945-1995”
Advisor: James Shedel

Murray, Philip
“Pivot Out of the Pacific: Oil and the Creation of a Chinese Empire in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries”
Advisor: James Millward

Nakashima, Erena
“Making African Americans Visible: Carroll Greene Jr.’s Efforts in the Museum of History and Technology in 1960s”
Advisor: Adam Rothman & Maurice Jackson

Pollard, John
“‘Queen Victoria is Dead and the Puritans are Long Gone’: Frank Kameny, Gay Activism, and 1970s Federal Politics”
Advisor: Joseph McCartin

Robinson, Morgan
“‘She Was an Enemy of Black People’: Exploring Black Women and Misogynoir in the Black Panther Party”
Advisor: Adam Rothman & Marcia Chatelain

Simon, Patrick
“The Nefarious Side of Globalization: Narcocaudillos and the Transformation and Diversification of the North American Illicit Economy”
Advisor: John Tutino

Stough, Rebeckah
“Resistance Under Watchful Eyes: Restriction and Resilience in the Bracero Program”
Advisor: Katherine Benton-Cohen

Wheatley, Rachel
“‘March on, then, to the Unholy Work’: The Davis Resolutions and Southern Secession in Spring 1860”
Advisor: Chandra Manning

Zyla, Maria
“US-Cuban Race Relations in the Empire of Jim Crow: The 1912 Afro Cuban Massacre and the 1921 Tulsa African American Massacre”
Advisor: John Tutino

Andriessen, Samuel
“Resituating the Philippine-American War within United States Military History”
Advisor: Jordan Sand

Battalia, Michael (MAGIC/MSFS)
“The Establishment of a Newspaper Industry in Beirut during the 1870s and its Impact on Intellectual and Cultural Trends in the City”
Advisor: Judith Tucker

Berg, Dylan
“‘Lawlessness in Kentucky’: Written Advocacy and Violence in Eastern Kentucky”
Advisor: Alison Games

Bushman, Adrian
“Achilles’ Heel: Terrorism and US Foreign Policy in Lebanon, 1982-1984”
Advisor: David Painter

Cameron, Calla
“’Western and Modern’ versus ‘Aboriginal and Archaic’: Name Calling, Sendero Luminoso, and Representation in the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission”
Advisor: Bryan McCann and Erick Langer

Galesi, Loren
“Maize on the Move: The Impact of Tropical Cultivars on European Diffusion”
Advisor: John McNeill and Alison Games

Koebrich, Louisa
“Military Emancipation: A Revolutionary Tool”
Advisor: Chandra Manning

Naramore, Susan
“Art of the Republics: How Cosimo de’ Medici and Thomas Jefferson Used Classical Imagery to Express their Political Agendas”
Advisor: Alison Games

Prescott, Taylor
“From Subversives to State Actors: White Perceptions of the Jamaican Maroons Before, During, and After the Second Maroon War (1795-1796)”
Advisor: Alison Games and Maurice Jackson

Rosenthal, Sarah
“Expedient Bedfellows: Securitization of Sexual Deviance in Historical Context”
Advisor: Alison Games

Ross, Andrew
“Cosmic Configurations: Carl Sagan, Edward Teller, and the Contested Significance of the Nuclear Winter Hypothesis”
Advisor: Toshi Higuchi

Siripoonsap, Witawin
“Mistresses of the Budget: The Making of Smart Consumers in the Ladies’ Home Journal during the Great Depression”
Advisor: Alison Games

Slingluff, Sarah
“Of Mosques and Munyas: Rethinking the Umayyad Dynasty”
Advisor: Judith Tucker

van Harmelen, Jonathan
“Desert Dungeons: An Introductory Study into Comparative Incarceration and Civil Liberties of the United States and France (1942-1962)”
Advisor: David Painter and Osama Abi-Mershed

Williams, Elizabeth
“Soldiering Students: Militarism, the Indian Wars, and the Carlisle Indian Industrial School”
Advisor: Alison Games

Andrews, Rebecca
“Peninsular Mestizaje: Doña Francisca Pizarro and Mestiza Legacy in 16th and 17th Century Trujillo, Spain”

Baxley, Colleen
“Hunger for Resistance: Women and Protest in 20th-Century Bolivia”

Carmona, Ricardo
“Between Anarchy & Despotism: The Rise and Fall of Iturbide’s Grand Coalition”

Dalrymple, Justin
“‘Modernizing’ the Fellah: Education, Development, and Nationalist Responses in Mandate Palestine and Transjordan”

Donnell, Natalie
“Navigating Gendered Spaces: Catherine de Médicis, femme politique”

El-Sallabi, Thana
“The Tribe as Social Capital: An Interpretive Application of Bourdieu to Libya’s Tribes”

Gfeller, Haley
“Your Job in Where?: Racism and the European and Far Eastern Civil Affairs Training Schools, 1943-1945”

Hunter, Michael
“Understanding War in Wide-Angle: Indochina, the Vietnam War, and the Mayaguez Incident”

Schnakenberg, Collin
“‘A Tumultuous Rable of People’: A Comparative Analysis of the Midland Revolt and the Western Uprising”

Sun, Xiao
“The Logic of Habits: US Soldiers, US Exceptionalism, and China-US Relations during the Boxer Rebellion”

Tahiroglu, Merve
“Cosmopolitan Ottoman-Turkish Feminism in the Second Constitutional Era”

Wakeel, Zaara
“The Journey after Indenture: An Analysis into the Experience of Return of Indentured Labor to India, 1860-1910”

Abosch, Elizabeth
“The View from the Middle: The Family, Russia, and the World on the Illustrated Pages of Niva”

Kawashima, Ryo
“A War Without Weapons: Prewar Japan’s Propaganda Directed at the U.S. and Other Anglophone Countries”

Kitkowski, Ryan
“Pictures and Pedagogy: Film and the American Tutelary Regime in US-Occupied Korea, 1945-1950”

Lann, Preston
“Savaged Land: How Armed Conflict Affected the Environment and Society of Afghanistan, 1979 – 2014”

Moreno, Alan
“Regulated Competition in the American Century: The Origins and International Scope of the Federal Trade Commission, c. 1900-1952”

Schell, Nathan
“The Hidden Locus: How Episcopal Relations in the Hundred Years War Hint at Medieval Ecclesiastical Unity”

Seeling, Christopher
“Fear and Loathing in the Mediterranean: Chivalry and Legitimacy-Making in the Reign of Charles V”

Stephens, Leigh
“Normandy During the French Wars of Religion: The Discourse of Violence”

Zemanick, Kyra
“‘The Indians Will Be Saved’: White Women’s Service and Resistance to the Federal Native American School System”

MA in Global, International and Comparative History (MAGIC)

Clapper, Daniel
“Launching ‘Project Independence’: US-European Relations and the Energy Crisis of the 1970s”

Daniel, Kyra
“Early American Planter Responses to the Slave Revolt in Saint-Domingue, 1791-1793”

Lambert, David
“Saltpeter in the Early Republic”

Lee, Rachel
“A Vital Engine of the Atlantic Intelligence: The First Printers and Print Cultures of the Greater Anglo-Caribbean, 1718-1820”

Liu, Yi
“The Globalization of Chinese Pharmaceuticals between 1902 and 1937”

Rothwell, Rosalind
“From ‘English Modes’ to American Dress: East India Calico in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake”

Sikes, Adam
“Perceptions of British Provincial and Regular Forces During the Seven Years’ War”

Smith, Natalie
“Ville Hydrophobe: Social Geography and the Water Crisis in Nineteenth-Century Marseille”

Sparks, Matthew
“Schools of Discontent: Surrealism and the Global Radical Network in the Eastern Mediterranean and Caribbean, 1927-1945”

Tegels, Chelsea
“Strangers in a Familiar Land: Pioneers and the Meskwaki Settlement 1832-1900”

MA in Global History (GU-KCL)

Ivey, James
“Sabotaging Women’s Football: An Investigation of the Football Association’s 1921 Ban of Women’s Football”

Manfield, Sabrina
“The Personal and Public Politics of Lend-Lease: How Aid to the Soviet Union Shaped the Fate of the Grand Alliance”

McCormick-Thompson, Brenna
“The Epitome of an Era: Representations of Collective Memory and National Identity aboard the Cutty Sark”

Hutton, Richard
“Cleanliness Brings Health, the Story of Lincoln Tunnel and US Public Diplomacy in 1950s Indonesia”

Jones, Robert “Bobor”
“Rabat And Algiers: French Colonial Policy and Perceptions of Urban Space in the Colonial Capitals”

Moynihan, Lisa
“La Onda Chicana and Tropicália ‘Happenings’: A Comparative Study of the National Crises of Music and Counterculture in Mexico and Brazil, 1968-1971”

Munoz, Carmen MAGIC/MSFS graduate
“U.S.-Turkish Relations and Turkey’s Democratic Consolidation”

Peavy, Susan
“Cubans and Haitians in the Refugee City: Power and Exclusion in Global Miami, 1977-1981”

Ruggieri, Samuel
“Imagining Alternative Futures: The Arab East Looks to Anatolia, 1918-1923”

“Metics and Misérables: Economic and Demographic Change to European Communities in Algeria and Tunisia during the Nineteenth Century”

Zorrilla Arena Sandoval, Jose Antonio
“Selling Hope to the Hopeless: The Alliance for Progress, the Modernization Theory, and the US Propaganda Apparatus”