Accelerated BA/MA Degree

This program allows a select group of upper-level Georgetown University undergraduates in the College and School of Foreign Service to enroll in the MAGIC program as seniors, taking two to four graduate courses in their senior year. Two of these classes will be double-counted towards both undergraduate and MAGIC requirements. Students in the accelerated program can complete the requirements of the MAGIC degree in as little as two semesters (and no more than three semesters) following their graduation from the College or SFS.

The program is open to History majors, as well as to students in other fields whose curricular backgrounds suggest a strong interest in, and capacity for, the study of history. Students should have an overall GPA of at least 3.67. All applicants are required to have enrolled in at least two upper-level (i.e. 300- or 400-level) History courses by the time of their application to the Accelerated MAGIC Degree Program.

Interested students should consult with their dean and the MAGIC director in the fall semester of their junior year, and apply in the spring semester of their junior year. For further inquiries, please contact Prof. Ananya Chakravarti, Director of MA Programs, or Carolina Madinaveitia, Graduate Programs Manager.