Faculty: United States

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Toshihiro Higuchi

Associate Professor
PhD, Georgetown University, 2011
U.S. Foreign Relations in the 19th & 20th Centuries; Science and Politics; Global Environment

Crystal Luo

Assistant Professor & Provost’s Distinguished Faculty Fellow
PhD, University of Virginia, 2023
20th c. United States; Asian American History; Cities; Labor, Race & Immigration; Capitalism & Globalization

Chandra M Manning

Professor and Director of the Georgetown Institute for Global History
PhD, Harvard, 2002
19th-century U.S.; Sectionalism; Civil War/Reconstruction; Baseball

Joseph A McCartin

Professor and Director of the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor
PhD, SUNY-Binghamton, 1990
20th-century U.S. Labor; Social and Political History