Archive: faculty: Latin America
Mike Amezcua
Associate Professor
PhD, Yale, 2011
20th-century U.S.; Latinx History; Race, Politics, and Immigration; Cities
Mike.Amezcua@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
Erick D. Langer
PhD, Stanford, 1984
Latin America and Andes; Social and Economic History; Frontiers
Erick.Langer@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
Mireya Loza
Associate Professor
PhD, Brown, 2011
Latinx History, Labor History, Immigration History, and Food Studies
ml1956@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
Bryan McCann
PhD, Yale, 1999
Latin America; Modern Brazil; Popular Culture
bm85@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
John Tutino
Professor and Director of Americas Initiative Program
PhD, Texas, Austin, 1976
Latin America; Mexico; Social/Cultural/Political History
tutinoj@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty