PhD Financial Aid

The Department offers various types of financial aid to students in the doctoral program. The application for admission serves as the application for financial aid; no separate application for funding is needed. All students admitted to the program are also admitted with a funding package.

Stipend ($38,950 in 2024-2025) and tuition support (nine credits and/or thesis research, depending on year in program) for five years, two additional years of tuition support, and health insurance for the duration of the fellowship. Students must maintain good academic standing for funding to be renewed. Students receiving these awards normally serve for three years as Teaching Assistants assigned to work with members of the faculty. Two of the five fellowship years are non-service. All first-year students are exempt from service requirements. A second year without service is guaranteed, and can be taken after the student has passed comprehensive exams. Students in years 1-5 who receive service funding during the academic year are eligible for a summer supplement, per GAGE regulations. Students who receive external grants during their five-year fellowship period have the opportunity to apply to extend their funding for use in the sixth or seventh year.

Each year the Georgetown History Departments awards a full five-year fellowship in environmental history. Holders of this fellowship may study any part of the world, in any period. Students interested in this opportunity should apply to one of the nine fields the Department offers and make clear their interest in environmental history in the application. No separate application for the Environmental Fellowship is required. Students holding this fellowship have no formal service requirements to the Department. In other respects the terms are the same as with renewable Department Fellowships. (see above). Students interested in applying for this fellowship should contact Prof. John McNeill.

Starting in 2009, the History Department will occasionally award a five-year fellowship for students interested in early modern history with a global reach. Students interested in this opportunity should apply to one of the nine fields the Department offers and make clear their interest in environmental history in the application. No separate application for the Environmental Fellowship is required. Students holding this fellowship have no formal service requirements to the Department. In other respects the terms are the same as with renewable Department Fellowships (see above). Students interested in applying for this fellowship should contact Prof. Alison Games.

Students who have exhausted their five-year funding package are eligible to apply for Department funding to support their sixth and/or seventh year of study. These stipends are offered via annual competitive review and are dependent on availability of funds.

This fund has been established by Dr. Diane Tarantino North, in the memory of her son, Evan Armstrong North, a distinguished graduate of our Master of Arts in Global, International and Comparative History (MAGIC) program who went on to win a fellowship in our Ph.D. program, where he continued to do outstanding work. Evan North’s extraordinarily promising scholarly career was cut tragically short by his untimely death in April 2011 at the age of 28. His mother is hopeful that Evan’s “legacy as a seeker of truth, creator of knowledge, and dedicated teacher will endure through the establishment of this Fund.”

The income from the promised endowment will support a merit-based research award for a graduate of the MAGIC program who has been admitted to the Georgetown History Ph.D. program, or—in years when no MAGIC graduate joins the Ph.D. program—for a graduate of another Master’s program who has joined our doctoral program. The History Department’s Graduate Studies Committee will select award recipients in accordance with its policies and procedures.