Sharabi Essay Competition

The History Department annually holds the Sharabi Graduate Student Essay Competition in honor of the late Dr. Hisham Sharabi.  Professor Sharabi taught undergraduate classes and trained graduate students at Georgetown for over 40 years.  The competition is intended to encourage and reward excellence in graduate student written work.


First Prize: Greg Brew, “‘What They Need Is Management:’ American NGOs, the Sāzmān-e Barnāma and the Development of Iran, 1954-1963.”


First Prize: Molly Thacker, “Almost White: How A Mixed-Race Family in Southern Ohio Straddled the Color Line”


First Prize: Stefan Hock, “Ottoman Will Hereafter Live for this Revenge: Presenting the Ottoman-Italian War and Osmanlilik to the Reading Public”


First Prize, ex aequo: Patrick Dixon, “A Culinary Monstrosity: Robert C. Baker, Further Processed Chicken, and the Arrival of the McNugget”

First Prize, ex aequo: Katy Hull, “Hero, Teddy Bear, Champion: Theodore Roosevelt in American Memory”


First Prize: Clark L. Alejandrino, “A Culture of Climate in Late Imperial China: Typhoons in Qing Guangdong”


First prize: Alissa Walter, “Peasant Resistance and the Egyptian Family Planning Program, 1965-1980”

Honorable Mention: John Gregory, “Militarization and Legal Precedent in Qing China: The Case of Zhu Tianzhao”

Honorable Mention: Joseph Hower, “A Hell of A Lot More to an Election than Julst Tallying the Votes”: AFSCME, the Landrum-Griffin Act, and the Regulation of Labor Union Elections, 1961-1964″


First prize, ex aequo: Eric Gettig, “Trouble Ahead in Afro-Asia: The Johnson Administration, the Second Bandung Conference, and the Struggle for the Third World, 1964-5”

First Prize, ex aequo: Katy Hull, “From Mothers to ‘Milkers’: The Early History of the Breast Pump in the United States”


First Prize: Daniel Singer, “Imagining Turkey: Foreign Aid, Agricultural Development, and the American Vision of Turkey, 1950-1960”


First Prize: Erin Stewart, “Of the Frontier the Yankee Made: The Ecological Legacies of Sherman’s March”


First Prize: Matthew Bowman, “American Fundamentalists and the Problem of Nazism, 1933-1941”


First Prize, ex aequo: John Corcoran, “Divided Power, Shared Responsibility: Theoretical and Practical Relationships Between Uezd and Guberniia Zemstvos, 1864-1917”

First Prize, ex aequo: Meredith Oyen, “Deserting Duty or Fighting Discrimination? Chinese Seamen in the Allied Merchant Marines in WW II”

Honorable Mention: Hoda Yousef, “Poetry in Migration: An Arabic Eulogy of President William McKinley “


First Prize: Megan Faller, “Masculinity in Crisis? Rethinking the Muse in Vienna, 1900” 

Honorable Mention: Okezi Otovo, “Population Reform and Proletarian Babies: The Infant Hygiene Movement in Bahia, Brazil, in the Old Republic” 

Honorable Mention: Christina Petrides, “Slavery on the Black Sea: A Survey of Interconnections” 

Honorable Mention: Jonathan Wyrtzen, “Arab and Berber? Contesting, Constructing, and Mobilizing the Nation in Morocco and Algeria,1930-1939”


First Prize: Ben Fulwider, “An All-Powerful Economic Weapon: Roads, Rails, and State Formation in Postrevolutionary Mexico, 1940-1950”

Second Prize: Melissa Byrnes, “Frenchmen or Foreigners? The Decolonization of Discourse on North African Immigration, 1961-1972”

Third Prize: Vanesa Casanova-Fernández, “Images of Europe and Africa in the Modern Spanish Imaginary: the Genesis and Evolution of Spanish Africanism 1859-1911”


No prizes awarded


First Prize: Chris Morrison, “Searching for Answers and Identity: The Creation of American Colonial Policy for the Philippines in an Age of Imperialism, 1898-1905”

Second Prize: Aaron Palmer, “Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor: Imperialist and Colonial Identity Among Governing Elites in South Carolina, Maryland, Barbados and Jamaica, 1763-1783”

Third Prize, ex aequo: Henri Lauzière, “‘Abd al-Salam Yasin in Moroccan Perspective: The Articulation of a Post-Salafi Islamism”

Third Prize, ex aequo: Nadya Sbaiti, “The Discourse On and Of Muta‘ in Contemporary Lebanon”


First Prize: Jeff Zalar, “The Index of Forbidden Books and Catholic Nationalism in Wilhelmine Germany”

Second Prize: Catherine Blair, “We Ourselves Have Seen Him and Served with Him’: A Look at the Participants in the Pugachev Rebellion”

Third Prize: Alex Merrow, “All for the Truth, All for the Church’: Catholic Historiography in Nineteenth-Century Germany”


First Prize: Simone Ameskamp, Chosen Peoples and Promised Lands – Nationalism and Religion”

Second Prize: Sean Foley, “Statesmen, Taxes, and Visions: The Rise of the Mahdi in the Sudan, 1881-1885”

Third Prize: Not awarded


First Prize: Sara Scalenghe, “The Court Records of Tripoli as a Source for the History of Women and Gender in the Ottoman Empire”

Second Prize: John McGinn, “See No Evil, Hear No Evil: NATO Policy during the Prague Spring”

Third Prize, ex aequo: Kathryn Coughlin, “Virginity in Islamic Juridical and Popular Discoruse: A Diachronic Examination”

Third Prize, ex aequo: Gregory Spira, “‘El Ingreso Secreto’: Viceregal Entry Ceremonies and the Consolidation of Legitimate Government in (title incomplete)”


First Prize: Jeffrey Taffet, My Guitar Is Not for the Rich: The New Chilean Song Movement and the Politics of Culture”

Second Prize: Sherry Föhr (Lehr), “Continuity Without Manipulation: Junkers and Peasants in Imperial Germany”

Third Prize: Natana DeLong-Bas, Crisis in the Haramayn: Religious Legitimacy or Practical Statesmanship? The Muwahhidun Conquest and the Ottoman Recovery of Mecca and Medina”