PhD Students: Middle East & North Africa

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Samar Ahmad

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Rana Aldemir

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Sopanit Angsusingha

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Diogo Bercito

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Dina El-baradie

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Fatma Esen

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Idun Hauge

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Ben Jones

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Armen Manuk-Khaloyan

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Juan Ramirez

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Patrick Schilling

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Mary Tezak

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Fuat Cem Topcu

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Diana Yayloyan

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History

Yinan Zhang

Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in History