Research Theses of Honors Seminar History/IHIS Majors


Christian Baldari: “Shattered Dream”: Ever-changing Ideologies of A French Resistance Movement During World War II

Ella Castanier: Psychiatry of the Oppressed: An Intellectual History of Black Psychiatrists in the United States During the Long 1960s

Maanasi Chintamani: Out of the Lineup: How Women Fueled the Rise of the National Football League, 1950s-1970s

Juan Pablo Espinosa Unlikely Messiahs: The Missionary Church and Indigenous Conversion in the Early Years of New Spain

Elias Ferguson: Hammer of Heretics: Far-Right Conceptions of Spanish Identity During the Franco Regime and Today

Dami Kim: Harriet Hayden: 19th-Century Black Womanhood, Respectability Politics, and Material Culture

Hugh McKelvy: Equally Visionary and Nefarious: The Story of the South Sea Bubble in the Industrial Century 1770-1850

Caitlin McLean: “Half ally, half-untouchable:” American and British Press Coverage of Apartheid

Jackson Metzger: Between Bureaucracy and Sensationalism: the Dichotomy in Australian DEA Reports and Newspaper Portrayals of the PKI

Austin Nellessen: Resisting a Melting Pot: Mongols and Ethnic Minority Policy in Inner Mongolia

Angela Nguyen: Hail Mary: Our Lady of Fátima as a Vietnamese and Vietnamese American Anti-Communist

Thea Oberman: Al-Andalus on the Road: Understanding the Legacy of Andalusi Culture on Its Jewish Community

Julia Staley: Clerical Collusion: How the Catholic Church supported Francisco Franco’s Spanish Regime

Daniel (Robby) Turner: Ink That Cannot Dry: Changing Narratives of the 1654 Treaty of Pereiaslav


Jacob Adams – Claiming Our Deepest Interest: The Witness and Zionism

Caroline Coopersmith – One Nation Under God, Divisible: The Public Relations Trial of Dorothy Sheridan and Christian Science

Charlotte Cromack – Damsels in Dissent: Gender Performance as a Political Tool in Late Imperial Russia

Soumil Dhayagude – A Decolonization of Capital: Money and the Global in 20th Century Indian Thought

Kelvin Doe – Rewriting Inconvenient Truths: How Charlemagne Rewrote his Ancestry to Justify his Leadership

Jimmy FitzPatrick – “Irish, Rally to the Rescue!”: The 6th and 17th Wisconsin’s Diverging Wartime Experiences During the American Civil War

Ian Gould – Streetcars on the Santa Fe Trail: The Strang Line and Suburbanization in Johnson County, Kansas, 1906-1940

Jack Grier – Development Diplomacy and Dialectical Diaries: Unveiling the Impact of Joseph E. Davies and Progressive Politics on U.S. Foreign Policy

Katie Hawkinson – Reframing Citizenship and Social Class: Christine de Pizan’s Political Thought in Sixteenth-Century English Translation

William Shaw Jacobson – You Will Fight and be Killed: Islamic State Small Unit Battle Tactics in Iraq and Syria

Kiely Johnson – The Local Contains Multitudes: East Somerville, Massachusetts and the Experiences and Impacts of the Irish and Salvadorans in an “Immigrant City”

Sophia M. Kloncz – Sounds of Struggle: Uncovering the Complexities of the Enduring Legacy of New Orleans Jazz in the Context of Racism, Drugs, and Urban Renewal

Tina Ma – A Study of Kyowa-go in Manchukuo

Paneez Oliai – The Price of Freedom: Examining Programs, Policy, and Thought in the History of American Bail

Gabriel Panuco-Mercado – Quehaceres Between Cane and Maize: Gendering the Green Revolution and its Social Outcomes in a Jalisco Town, 1943-2001

Axel Leon Opwis Soares – A Reluctant Embrace: The Rise of the Department Store and Consumer Society in Germany 1882 to 1938

Irmak Şensöz – Settling the Countryside: Pastoralists, Migrants, and the Tanzimat Era in Central Anatolia

Michael Skora – “America Should Take Her Share”: Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and U.S. Imperial Ambitions, 1915-1929

Annika Wang – A History of Advanced Placement United States History: A Look into the Pushes and Pulls of Educational Reform in American High School History Classrooms

Ethan Williams – Bye Confucius: The History of Social Transformation in the Chinese Province of Shanxi During the 20th Century

Xin Zheng – Constructing an Ideal Renaissance Persona: A Study of Italian Renaissance Portraiture of Rulers and Their Underlying Political Messages


Will Bartlett – “Edat Hispania Sententiam Suam”: Orosius’ Hispanic History

Tommy Batterman – The Plague That Didn’t Happen: Yersinia Pestis and the Lombard Conquest of Italy, 565-572 (Morris Prize Winner)

Will Cromarty – The Rise of Conservatism in Orange County, CA, ca. 1945-1980

Henry James – Working-Class Liberal: Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a Changing Democratic Party, and the Politics of Poverty

Helena Jensen – Precursors to Precarity: Gender and Resistance to Changing Employment Structures in the 1970s in the United States

Amanda Kenn – To Tear Off the Veil: Frustration, Fantasy and (in)Flexibility in French Perceptions of l’Algérienne, 1830-1962

Mike Kim – Colonial Memory and Nationalism: An Analysis of Chinese and Korean History Education Concerning the Island Disputes in East Asia

Amanda Lin – Constructing the Citoyenne: The Rise and Fall of the Political Woman in the French Revolution

Nicole Marion – Short Skirts, Strong Boots, and Revolvers: Unveiling the Hidden History of Paramilitary Women in Northern Ireland during the Troubles

Kia Muleta – How to Justify and Demand Secession in the Era of African Nationalism: The Case of Oromos and Igbos, 1960-1980

Susan Rahimzadeh – On Resistance: Conflict and Collaboration in Les Visiteurs du Soir

Oliver Ritter – Louis XVI Before the Revolution

Daniella Sanchez – Salvadoran Women as the True Builders: The Development of the Transnational Culture of El Salvador and Los Angeles, 1980-2000

Derek Tassone – “Yesterday’s Liberalism is Today’s Conservatism”: The Jewish Roots of Neoconservatism, as Shown by the Rise and Evolution of Commentary


Liam Giombetti – The Forgotten Republic: Renaissance Florence Without the Medici, 1494-1512
Ojus Jain, Radicalism & Mass Politics: Revolution in Colonial India 1905 – 1928

Michael Keeler – Interrogating the Original All Blacks: An Investigation into the Colonial Legacy and Mythology of the 1905-1906 New Zealand Men’s National Rugby Team

Sarah Laird – If Pachacuti Ran Your Hospital: What Inca and Andean Healing Practices Reveal About the Role of Rituals in Medicine

Chau Le – The Stateless: French Colonists as Apostates and Traitors in the Parti Communiste Algérien, 1936–1954

Hannah Levine – Between Colonizer and Colonized: African Policemen in French Equatorial Africa, 1910s-1930s

Marie Luca – History in the Happiest Place on Earth: Perception, Deception, and the American Dream as Told by Disney

Sarah Mendelsohn – “To The Women For Pulchritude; To The Men For Jazz”: Sexism in Post-World War II Jazz

Maya Moretta – Sustaining Community in The Pursuit of Freedom: The Greater Shirley Communities’ Journey through Enslavement, the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Freedom

Kristen Pavlounis – Fashioning Industry Trends: Piracy, Celebrity, and Femininity

Angelica Rossi Hawkins – Raimondo Tulli: Continuity and Collusion from Fascist to Democratic Italy (Morris Prize Winner)

Richard Schofield – The Virgin Mary’s Journeys South: Vietnamese Catholic Refugee Resettlements, 1954-1988

Rachel Singer – “Scandal” in Poitiers? Three Perspectives on a Medieval Nuns’ Rebellion (Morris Prize Winner)

Isabella van der Meulen – Through the Lens of Biafra: Continuity and Change in Postcolonial Humanitarianism  (Davids Award)


Jeremy Cohen – Of Khans and Caravanserais: Travel Literature in the Age of the Russian Conquest of Central Asia

Georgia Kamm – Refuge and Resistance: The Creation, Division, and Unification of the Sanctuary Movement, 1980-1986

Sean Lee – At the Helm of the Republic: The Origins of Venetian Decline in the Renaissance

Gabriel Mielke – Orientalist Legacies, State Security, and Urban Planning in Amman, Jordan (1850-1968)

Sonali Mirpuri – Mahaboob Ben Ali and His Chili Bowl: A Story of Family and Identity in the U Street Corridor

Jackie Nowakowski – Merovingian Queens: Status, Religion, and Regency

Nicholas E. Peang-Meth – “The Property-holders shall rule this town!” The Danville Massacre and the White Reactionary Campaign against Biracial City Government 1882-84

Felix Pilkington – Revolutionary Music: How Kansas City Jazz and Los Angeles Gangster Rap Redefined American Art

Aidan Poling – Beyond Pater Patriae: The Many Faces of George Washington

Paul Rochford – The Origins of Soviet Ethnic Terror: The Repression of Ethnic Minorities in Stalin’s USSR, 1937-1953

Ross Snyder – “The Window Through Which the World Looks into Our House”: The Impact of US Foreign Policy on Supreme Court Rulings on Race, 1920-1960

Isaac Stone – Downton Abbey Socialism: Stalin’s Sympathizers in the British Establishment

Jennifer Sugijanto – Beyond, Within, and Outside the U.S. Nation-State: Shifting Boundaries of Asian American Panethnic Identities and Solidarities


Reilly Barry – To “Try Hard to Seem Turkish”: Turkish State Formation and the Sephardic Community

C. C. Borzilleri – The Litchfield Effect: The Legacy of Miss Sarah Pierce’s Litchfield Female Academy

Jacqueline Crispino – Leaving the Empire Behind: A Transnational History of Russian-Jewish Immigration Beginning in 1881

Meredith Duflock – Security in an Insecure Age: Cybersecurity Policy and the Cybersecurity Community, 1967-1986

Brynlee Emery – Those who Admit Their Belief: Latter-Day Saint Immigrants and the Polygamy Restriction in U.S. Immigration Law

Caroline Genster – Conscious Motherhood: Gender and the Birth of Family Planning in 1960s Chile

Harrison Goohs – A Funeral Pyre or a Comforting Shimmer of Peace? The World of the Congress of Rastatt (1797-1799) and the End of the First Reich

Evanthea Hammer – “Masterpieces of Horror”: Arthur Szyk’s One-Man Quest to Fight the Axis through Art

Jonah Langan-Marmur – Confucianism with Chinese Characteristics: The Confucian Origins of Modern Chinese Internationalism

Jonathan Lanz – “Shattered Childhoods”: A Children’s History of the November Pogrom

Marcus Lustig – Blacking Up the Ivory Tower: Blackface Minstrelsy in College Life at Georgetown

Kenneth Marrs – The Enemy of My Enemy: Rivalry, Cooperation, and the Restoration of Poland

Aliyah Quereshi – Independence-Era Feminism and Nationalism: Envisioning Women’s Role in India

Sydnie Sousa – Perception and Actuality: Migrant Children in California’s Kern County 1935-1940

Brett Voyles – Transformations in Blackness: “Revolutionary” Afro-Cuban Identity, 1959-1966

Samuel Zaroff – A Moment in the Sun: Music, Culture, and the Rise and Fall of the Haight Ashbury Counterculture

Mateusz M. Zezula – Culture, Currency, and Kiełbasa: Polish Immigrant Finance in the United States, 1850-1940


Katherine Cienkus – The “Woking Gang”: Political Activities of British Muslims, 1905-1920

Camden Elliott – “Through Death’s Wilderness”: Environment and Warfare in the American South, 1835-1865

Jemma Fagler – The “Picture Bride Problem”: Experiences of and Attitudes Toward Japanese Picture Brides in California, 1908-1920

Isabella Goonetillake – From Salons to Convents: Female Emancipation in Seventeenth-Century Paris, 1600-1670

Melina Hsiao – “Educating the Unreached”: The Rise and Decline of Frelinghuysen University, 1906-1964

Xinlan Hu – Danger and Opportunity: The Sino-U.S. Rapprochement as a Domestic Political Crisis in Both Countries, 1971-1972

Rebecca Kuang – Nanjing Remembered: China’s Public Commemoration of the 1937 Nanjing Massacre

Simon Mairson – Nationalism, Activism, and Moralism: The Atomized Politics of Frédéric Joliot-Curie

Jonathan Marrow – “Let us form a bodyguard for Liberty”: Conceptions of liberty and Nation in Georgetown College’s Philodemic Society, 1830-1875

Ari Shapiro – “The Spirit of Love for Our Holy Land”: Sephardi Zionism in Hamidian Jerusalem


Noah Buyon – Cold Warriors, Cold Feet? America’s Uneven Response To Regime Change in Hungary, 1989

Olivia D’Aliberti – Food for Thought: Dining and Discipline at Georgetown College, 1889-1928

Patrick Gage – Georgetown at Nuremberg: Edmund Walsh and the Curious Case of Karl Haushofer

Matthew Hinson – Crimes on Sacred Ground: Massacres, Desecration, and Iconoclasm in Lebanon’s Mountain War 1983-1984

Ryan Kuchinski – Yes on Death: California’s 1972 and 1978 Death Penalty Initiatives

Andrew Meshnick – A Morbid Disconnect: The Battle Over Slave Health in the Early American Tobacco Industry

Madeleine Moore – Red Blood and Red Tape: Building the Collections of the National Zoological Park, 1887-1908

Daniel Paradis – The Christianization of the Roman Empire under Constantine

Nicholas Pavlovic – Strange Coalition: Iran’s Resistance Movement Between Coup and Revolution

Matthew Raab – William Walker and the Public Imagination: Cultural Manifestations of American Filibustering in Latin America

Katherine Randazzo – Convivencia Contested: Papal and Monastic Influence on Castilian Royal Policy Toward Religious Minorities

Alyssa Russell – Cleaning Up the Service Sector: The Justice for Janitors 1990s Campaigns in Washington, DC, and Atlanta, GA

Zack Saravay – The National Monetary Commission: American Banking’s Debt to Europe

Kyu Won Shim – What They Said and What We Remember: The role of Personal Testimony in National Memory

Nicholas Simon – Georgetown in Gray: The Confederate Students of Georgetown College

Taylor Tobin – Nationalism Can’t Be Built: The Story of Abuja’s Creation


Daniel Aherne – Trouble Brewing: Brewers’ Resistance to Prohibition and anti-German Sentiment

James Constant – The Day We Lost the Beat: Techno’s Journey from Detroit to Berlin

Michael Donnay – Under One Management: The Jesuit Colleges in the Maryland-New York Province, 1879-1926

James Gadea – Regional Ostracism and Outcast State-Bonding: The Crystallization of Diplomatic Relations between Israel and Communist Romania, 1948-1989

Emily Kent – Making French: Redefining the Language of Intellectualism in Sixteenth-Century Paris

Samuel Kleinman – State’s Spies: The Bureau of Secret Intelligence and the Development of State Department Bureaucracy in the First World War

Caleb Morell – Radically [In]tolerant: How English Baptists Changed the Early Modern Toleration Debate

Edward Percarpio – Building Glass Castles: Rethinking Privacy andSurveillance from the Pantheon to the Panopticon

Matthew Quallen – Making Animals, Making Slaves: Animalization and Slavery in the AntebellumUnited States

Emma Schaff – A Fair to Remember: The Gilding of Chicago at the 1893 World’s Fair.

Lauren Wyszomierski – “He Killed My Ma, He Killed My Pa… I’ll Vote for Him”: The Narratives of Liberia’s Warlords, and Where the World Stopped Listening


Molly DePippo – “We will be the Sufferers if We Let Great Wrongs Occur without Exerting Ourselves to Correct Them”: Evaluating the Roosevelt Administration’s Response to the Jewish Refugee Crisis from 1933 to 1945

William Halle – Establishing the Federal Reserve: A Product of Changing Public Sentiment

Philip Heyward – The Boycott and the Early Palestinian National Movement: From Non-Cooperation to Nationhood?

Philip Layfield – Jihad and Jihadn’t: Emerging Parallels in Twentieth-Century Holy War Propaganda

Allison Liotta – Community Action toward the Desegregation of the DC Public Schools, 1947-1954

Benjamin Maher – “Every Swamp a Citadel”: The Landscape of Resistance and Removal in the Seminole War

Sophie Siebach – “I Will not Feed the One I Fight”: Genocide and the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970

Brian Wagner – Legionaries Living in Lutetia: A Study of the Socio-Economic Effects of the Roman Army during the Principate

Cody Williams (RCST) – Popular Rhymes of Resistance and the Rhythm of Agrarian Reform: Brazil, Cordels, and the National Plan for Agrarian Reform from 1986 to 1988


Mary Borowiec – Women and the Welfare State: Deconstructing Women’s Relationship to the State in Ecuador from 1925-1938 from the Perspective of Carol Pateman’s The Wollstonecraft Dilemma

Alexander Boudreau – What Kind of Example? Elite and Activist Perceptions of the US Reconstruction Period in Subsequent Reform Movements

Dwight “Sam” Brothers – The Enemy of My Enemy: The Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979 and the Evolution of the Sino-American Covert Relationship

Victoria Edel – God Save the Queen: British Pop Culture and Shifting Perceptions of Monarchy

Edward Hocter – The Seeds that Grew: The Rise of Political Theology in El Salvador, 1968-1992

Kathleen Kokensparger – Les Mécontentes: Gender and Profession in Third Estate Women’s Cahiers de Doléances on the Eve of the French Revolution

Mark Lipschultz – The IRCA Experiment: A Failure To Solve America’s Immigrant Problem

Kevin Magana – From White to Brown: Top-Down Political Messaging and the Civil Rights Movement in Texas

Andrew Markoff – Composing Identity: Richard Wagner’s Legacy in Divided Germany

Hannah Miller – Keeping a Nation’s Gates: William Williams, Ellis Island, and Immigration Policy in Early 20th Century America

Evan Monod – Société de Liberté: Slavery, Enlightenment, and Revolution, 1788-1802

Peter Prindiville – Catholics, Carter, and the Canal: Transnational Religious Identity and Domestic Engagement on Issues of Foreign Policy, 1964 – 1979

Clare Southern – From Forest to Table: The Columbian Exchange and the Changing Marketplace

Evan Tarte – The 1970s Arab Oil Embargo: Crisis, Response, and Aftermath

Roland Templeman – Gold, Garibaldi, and the Italian-American Experience in the Years of Risorgimento

Peter Vale – Remembering “Koevoet”: How South Africa has Come to Understand the Covert Police Operations in Angola and Namibia during the 1980s

Yongle Xue – Oil for the Engines of China: The Standard Oil Company and the Early Mechanization of China, 1927-1953


Bridget Ansel – From “Money Power” to “Slave Power”: The Threat to Thomas Hart Benton’s Jeffersonian Vision

Kathleen Bush-Joseph – Ibn Jubayr: The Rihla

Carolyn Carson – Sanitizing Africans: Health, Hygiene, and Women’s Work in French West Africa’s Civilizing Mission 1819-1960

Jonathan Coumes – Artful Intrigues: Cuban Culture in Times of Peace

Joshua Donovan – Becoming God’s Cold Warrior or Destroying an Ideal? John Foster Dulles and the Middle East (1919-1959)

Gina Falaschi – Thomas Jefferson’s Table

Samuel Gerstle – Pawns in the Cold War: The Indoctrination and Repatriation of Japanese POWs in Siberia, 1945-1949

Amanda Lanzillo – Exile and the Mughal Harem: Timurid Cultural Continuities and Adaptations in Early Mughal Imperial Domestic Space

Margaret Luther – The Order: The Dawn of a New White Supremacy in America

Alexander Miller – Worth a Dime: Edward Wheeler’s Critical and Celebratory Portrayal of Black Hills Mining in the Deadwood Dick Dime Novel Series, 1877-1884

Roxanne Salas – The Holy See and Cuñadísimo Ramón Serrano Súñer: The Formation of Spain’s Neutrality in World War II between 1939 and 1942

Brandon Sharp – Cooperation and Sacrifice: How Divergent Allied Objectives, Interests, and End States Sowed the Seeds of Failure in the China-Burma-India Theater

Oliver Silsby – Dogs of War, Knights of Bronze: Reflections on the Condottieri’s Sociopolitical Evolution in Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy

Cole Stangler – From Revolution to Rights: The Politics of Immigrant Activism in France (1968-1983)

Peter Stanton – Lingít ḵa Waashdan Ḵwáan, the Tlingit and the Americans: Interactions and Transformations, 1856-1896

Mark Stern – Speaking with Fire: Evolving Protections for Symbolic Speech in Twentieth-Century American Jurisprudence

Charles Tiblier – “Ya la Isla no es la Isla como era de primero”: The Trade Winds that Washed Away Isleño Culture

Mary Willis – “The Scandal Greater than Teapot Dome”: Huey P. Long’s Win or Lose Corporation and the Limits of Corruption in Louisiana


Kevin Baird – Interests and Ideals: Sources of British Worker Opinion on the American Civil War

Clark Bakewell – The Development of American Intellectual Property Policy in East and Southeast Asia, 1868-1994

Emily Bierman – David and Goliath: How the McClellan Committee Inspired Robert F. Kennedy’s Fight to Bring Down Labor Giant James R. Hoffa

Alexander Bodaken – Reimagining Nixon’s Civil Rights Legacy: A Re-Evaluation

Cyrus Bordbar – A Laboratory of Labor Ideology: The International Workingmen’s Association in the United States

Michael Boyajian – The Dangerous Pattern of Genocide and the Armenian Precedent

Kinne Chapin – “Good Taste and Delicacy”: Female Sexuality in the Production Code Era, 1930-

Tucker Fross – Imperial Disposition: The Impact of Ideology on French Colonial Policy in Madagascar from 1883-1895

Robert Kaminski – The Military in the Relationship Between the Transcontinental Railroads and Congress, to 1880

Satinder Kaur – Equating the Indigène and the Ouvrier: French Communist Party Relations with Native Algerians and French workers in Light of a Saint-Simonian Past

Benjamin Kirschenbaum – The High Priest of Nature [Isaac Newton]

Taylor Lescallette – “Vietnam is the Auschwitz of Our Generation”: National Socialism, the Holocaust, and the Cold War in the Writings of the Red Army Faction, 1968-1977

Rebecca Moses – A Queen, and a Queen of England Too: The Intersection of Gender and Nationality for Mary and Elizabeth Tudor

Carolyn Shanahan – Bridging the Gap: Yuri Norstein, Tale of Tales and the Great Russian Cultural Divide

Zoe Walder-Hoge – Watching a River Flow to the Sea: How Three Greco-Roman Cities on Asia Minor’s Western Coast Adapted to a Shifting Natural Environment


Francis Gieringer – “Born into the Purple”: American Perceptions of the Japanese at the Lewis and Clark Centennial and the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition

Samuel Harris – Our Historic Elysium: The Forging of Modernity in Ridgefield, Connecticut during the Country Place Era, 1880-1920

Kristen Leung – Digesting Southern Food: How New Deal Cultural Programs Constructed a Folk Image of Southern Food

Jennifer McCarter – Mul s-sa’a: the “Great Man of the Hour”—An Analysis of the Political Opportunity Structures that Facilitated Tribal Mobilization in the Rif War, 1921-1926

Charles McElyea – The Paradox of Apartheid: Social Segregation and Cultural Collaboration in Medical Discourse

Keith Rafferty – A Few Clerics at Court: Catholic Clergymen in the Lay Politics and Administration of Spain during the Reigns of “Los Austrias Mayores”, Charles V/I and Philip II: 1516-1598

Kristen Sandgren – Sorrow Unspent: Professional Discourse Between 1960 and 1980 Concerning the Development of a PTSD Diagnosis

Caitlin Shea – “John Bull’s Other Island” and British Identity in an Era of Imperialism: The Reactions of the Anglo-Irish Literary Elite to the Execution of the Leaders of the Easter Rising and the Trial and Hanging of Sir Roger Casement (1916)

Victoria Stulgis – Operation Soft Energy: The Energy Crisis and the Environmental NGOs Behind the Anti-Nuclear and Solar Movements


Jeffrey Bolling – From Red Wings to Red Stars: Bombers, Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, and the Evolution of the Soviet Strategic Arsenal in the Early Cold War

Bissie Bonner – “One and Done” or “Long Run” Democracy? The Rhetoric and Behavior of Algeria’s Front Islamique du Salut, 1989-1992

Maya Brodziak – “The Pagans are Wrong and the Christians Are Right:” The Evolution of Europe’s Understanding and Perception of the Muslim World During the Crusades, 1095-1291

Eliza Buddenhagen – The Taching Oil Field: A Window into the Cultural Revolution

Jonathan Cohn – Who Is Out of Line in the March of Progress? Perspectives on Religion and Industry Around the Great Exhibition of 1851

Sarah Forrest – The Nation Under Construction: Identity as a Political Tool in the Formation of the Senegalese State (1945-1980)

Jeanne Fundakowski – Patent Medicine and the Failure of Federal Regulation in the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act: Cocaine, Coca-Cola, and the Evolution of an Industry

Matthew Giffin – The Britain of the East: Liberalism, Darwinism, and British Perceptions of Japan, 1851-1914

Rebecca Glade – “The Americans Call Me Africa’s Lenin:” Hassan al-Turabi’s Role in Sudan, 1989-2000

Adam Kemal – The Limits of Soft Empire: Great Britain, Egypt, and Middle Eastern Defense, 1945-1949

Charles Leisure – The Development of the British Capital Markets of the Nineteenth Century and Their Importance in Submarine Telegraph Financing

Henri Minion – Community in Diversity: A History of International Students at Georgetown University, 1789-1860

N. Blair Munhofen – The Origins of Hizbollah: Lebanon’s Islamic Resistance to Israeli Occupation

Dana Patton – “I Gave Them a Sword:” How the Watergate Scandal Contributed to the End of Détente

A.E. Talarico – Educating Christianity in Saint Basil’s “Address to the Young Men”

Nathaniel Weisenberg – The Unraveling: Seville, the Jews of Castile, and the Road to the Riots of 1391

Kevin Windels – The Revolutionaries Who Never Got to Play: An Examination of the Perspectives of Abigail Adams and Madame de Staël on the Aims and Leadership of the American Revolution and the French Revolution


Benji Barron – “A Mysterious Revival of Roman Passion”: Mussolini’s Ambiguous and Opportunistic Conception of Romanità

J. Patrick Brown – Migrants, Miners, and Mayors: A History of Scranton, Pennsylvania, from 1865-1902

C. Hardy Calvert – Conflict and Acculturation. Patterns of Cross-Cultural Exchange in Norman Sicily

Lauren Ditty – Knowledge and Complicity: High-Society Women and the Third Reich

Annie Evans – “We Shall Never Be the Same As We Have Been”: Northern and Southern Women in the Civil War

Daniel Franken – Industrial Modernization in Argentina: Understanding the Economic Strategy of Martínez de Hoz, 1976-1981

Daniel Groh-Wargo – Cornerstone or Chimera? The Role of the Jewish National Fund in the Formation of the Jewish State, 1920-1939

William Howerton – Le Tigre et Sa Jungle: A Comparative Study of the Political Development of Georges Clemenceau and the French Third Republic from 1871-1906

Ava Jacobi – Into the Abyss: The Legacy of the “Rape of Belgium” Propaganda

Elizabeth Kerley – Apostates from the Intelligentsia: Personality, Culture, and the Defense of Absolute Values in the Philosophical Thought of Petr Struve, Semën Frank, Nikolai Berdiaev, Absolute Values in the Philosophical Thought of Petr Struve, Semën Frank, Nikolai Berdiaev,

James Leader – Abolition’s Unwitting Sacrifice: How the British Abolitionist Movement Betrayed the Black Loyalists in Sierra Leone

Benjamin Levandoski – Organic Documents: American History Textbooks from 1944-1985

Chris Howard Miller – The Domestic Nation: The Relationship between Nation and Family in the Confederacy

Malcolm Munkittrick – The Aga Khan Award for Architecture and the Creation of an Islamic Built Identity, 1976-2007

Anthony Piccirillo – “A Vile, Infamous, Diabolical Treaty”: The Franco-Ottoman Alliance of Francis I and the Eclipse of the Christendom Ideal

Daniel Rendleman – From Revolution to Rebellion: George Washington as Seen by the Literary Societies of the Greater Chesapeake, 1813-1868

Zack Tupper – Hoya Paranoia: How Georgetown Found its Swagger During the Reagan Years

Rick Umbrecht – “Idle Tales of some Designing Men”: the Pennsylvania Assembly and the Wyoming Crisis, c. 1754 – 1810


Mary Bracewell – Sendero Luminoso: Organizational Strengths Become Revolutionary Weaknesses

Reid Collins – British Counterinsurgency Strategy and the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902)

Anne Fauvre – The Bosnian War in a Post-Cold War Context: Russia’s Effect on US Foreign Policy and the Creation of Peace in Bosnia, 1994 -1995

Eren Jon Gryskiewicz – The Family Jewels: The CIA at the Intersection of Law, Politics, the Presidency, and the People

Heather Hosmer – Attaché to Armament: The Impact of the Spanish Civil War on United States Defense Capabilities

Stephen Kenny – Rex Anglorum: The Transformative Reign of Alfred the Great and the Unification of England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries

Steven Kensinger – Tuaoi afa ma maninoa [The Hurricane and the Calm are Neighbors]: The Colonial Period in Western Samoa, 1900-1935

Julia McCarthy – Japan and the International Labor Organization’s Emerging Relationship, 1919-

Alexander Parkhouse – The British Reaction to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan: Efforts to Promote the British Commitment to the European Community

Daniel Quinlan – British India from Honourable Company to Honourable Colony: The East India Company and the Charter Act of 1813

Lorraine Riley – At the Crossroads: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Father Coughlin, and the Changing Consciousness of Catholic America

Rose Katherine Townsend – China’s Interest and Africa’s Responsibility: An Analysis of China’s Post-Cold War Economic Foreign Policy on Sub-Saharan African Development


Patrick Connolly – The Rise of Immaterialism in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Emily Curran – Félix Ireta Viveros and la Danza de los Cerdos Corruption, Politics, and Foot-and-Mouth Disease in 1940s Mexico

Gina Farinella – “Breeding an Imperial Race”: Fabians, Eugenics, and Empire, 1884-1914

Jonathan Fayer – Let the Prodigals be Welcome: William F. Buckley Jr., White Ethnics, and the 1965 New York City Mayoral Election

Kara Flook – The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Power: Examining the Mutual Influence of the Independent Russian Press and the First Chechen War

Matthew Freeman – New Zealand’s Mixed Member Proportional and Maori Representation: Improvement in Rights and Relations

Jonathan Gingerich – The Politics of German Idealism: Humboldt, Hegel and the Rise of the Prussian University

Robert Heberle – A New Faith in the Balance: Hugo Black, the First Amendment and the McCarthy Era

Julia Melle – Educating an Empire: United States Perspectives on Education in Hispaniola During the Age of Imperialism, 1915-1934

Kathleen Riordan – No Need of Prayers: The Role of Martyrdom in the Irish Republican Movement

Chana Sacks – In the Wake of an Uprising: An MSF Intervention in Chiapas, Mexico, 1994-2004

Daniel Starck – The French Empire and the Evolving Image of the Tirailleurs Sénégalais

Lucas Wittmann – Writing History in the Present Tense: The Postwar Public Historian in America

Ryan Winn – From Brest-Litovsk to Rapallo: The Effect of the German View of Communism on the Soviet-German Relationship

Emily Zand – The Saffron Wave Ebbs, Reformism Flows: The Bharatiya Janata Party within the National Democratic Alliance, 1998-2004


Bojan Bozovic – American Media Portrayals of the Srebrenica Massacre and Operation Storm: A Study in Media Bias

Laura Dziorny – Party Politics in the Congressional Elections of 1930

Prashina Gagoomal – Unsung Heroes: An Examination of the Role of U.S.-based Filipino Exiles in the Overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos’ Regime (1972-1986)

Marta Kalabinski – How the New York Times Covered the Warsaw Uprising of 1944

Berry Kurland – The Failure of Third Republic Education Policies in Lower Brittany, 1870-1914

Jason Meyer – American Involvement in the Clandestine Immigration of Jews to Palestine, 1945-1948

Mark Murphy – Archbishop Oscar Romero and American Foreign Policy toward El Salvador, 1977-1980

Kelsey Ruppel – Values of Work in Volga German Culture(s), 1850-1917

Stewart Salwin – Shakespeare and the Richard III Debate: A Historiographical Analysis

John Sutherland – Aegypto Capta: Finding the Poor in Egypt Under the Roman Empire

Vikram Tamboli – Bandits and Mapuche Rebellion: The Development of Indigenous Resistance in 19th-Century Chile

Nicholas Wheeler – A Voegelinian Interpretation of the Polemical Literature of the Gregorian Revolution

2004 – 2005

Liam Ahearn – Irish-American Patriots: The Irish Brigade and their Impact upon Mid-19th Century America

Lyndsay Arundel – An Analysis of the 1864 Massacre at Sand Creek: Representations of Various Social Perspectives

Gina Castellano – Community Action Programs during the War on Poverty

Brian Cwiek – Changing Faces: Picturing Minorities in 20th Century China

Robert Houston – Novus Ordo Seclorum: The Role of Near Eastern Symbolism within European Freemasonry through the Establishment of the American Republic

Jeffrey Katra – The Politics of Monticello

Ilya Kharin – Japanese Orthodox Church: The Trial Year, 1912-1945

Eric Lipton – The New Guinea Annexation Crisis of 1883

Philip Marcelo – The Relationship between European Settlers and Native Americans in Turn of the Century Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia (Southern Chile and Argentina, 1890-1920)

Sara Mills – Two Cultures Collide: The Socio-Cultural Effects of French Occupation on Indochina

Philip Pearson – Wool & Crime in 19th Century Australia

Daniel Sirkin – A Third Force or Merely a Third Circle? – British Decision-making Regarding European Integration, 1951-1956

Jordan White – Young Europe: Mazzini’s Role in the Development of European Nationalisms