Archive: faculty: Transregional
Tariq Ali
Associate Professor
PhD, Harvard, 2012
South Asian, Histories of Capital, Agrarian History
ta563@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
Ananya Chakravarti
Associate Professor and Director of Masters Program
PhD University of Chicago, 2012
Early Modern South Asia; Portuguese Empire; Colonial Brazil
ac1646@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
Alison Games
PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 1992
Colonial America; Atlantic History; Migration
gamesa@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
Darragh Gannon
Assistant Teaching Professor and Associate Director of Global Irish Studies
PhD, Maynooth University, 2012
Modern Ireland; Global Irish Diaspora; British Empire; Revolutions; Material Culture
darragh.gannon@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty