Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact

Prof. Meredith McKittrick, Director of Undergraduate Studies, McKittrick@georgetown.edu

Philosophy of research

We seek to embody and guide students in the principles of historical scholarship, as expressed in the American Historical Association’s Statement on Standards of Professional Conduct (updated 2023) and its Guidelines for Broadening the Definition of Historical Scholarship (2023).

How to get started

Students are introduced to principles and methodologies of historical research in courses numbered 1099-1999 (ideally in the first or second year) and have the opportunity for focused, mentored research in many 3000 and 4000-level courses. Students can take part in internships, Honors Program (including Senior Honors Thesis Seminar), and research assistantships.

How to get connected with a faculty mentor

Most commonly, the DUS connects students and prospective mentors. Connections also often emerge organically from 1099 courses or 3000-level seminars. Students are also encouraged to visit faculty during their office hours to discuss research interests and opportunities.

Earning credit for undergraduate research

We have an internship course (Hist 2001 and Hist 2002) for students conducting mentored research off-campus or in another context in the fall or spring semesters. Students may not earn credit for summer internships. Acceptable internships require a minimum of 10 hours per week, and involve substantial research and writing in fields reasonably related to historical work. Internships most likely to be suitable include those at: museums; non-profit organizations or federal agencies engaged in research; entities such as the Wilson Center or the Library of Congress; and of course any type of agency or office engaged specifically in historical work and research.

Getting paid for research

We have some paid Research Assistantships advertised through SEO on HoyaWorks. This is ad hoc: faculty with funds and need for undergraduate RAs work with administrative staff to post opportunities.

Thesis or capstone research

The History Department offers a Senior Honors Thesis Seminar.