Nick Danforth (Ph.D. ’15) featured in the Washington Post
Category: Announcement
Ananya Chakravarti
Associate Professor and Director of Masters Program
PhD University of Chicago, 2012
Early Modern South Asia; Portuguese Empire; Colonial Brazil
ac1646@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
Marcia Chatelain
PhD, Brown, 2008
American Civilization; African-American History; Women/Food/Culture/Community
David J Collins, SJ
Associate Professor
PhD, Northwestern, 2004
Medieval Germany
djc44@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
James B Collins
PhD, Columbia, 1978
16th- through 18th-century Europe
Elizabeth Cross
Associate Professor
PhD, Harvard, 2017
Modern France and French Empire; French Revolution; Economic History; 18th Century
elizabeth.cross@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
Michael David-Fox
PhD, Yale, 1993
Modern Russia; Soviet/Russia/Eurasia
md672@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
Prof. Dagomar Degroot Profiled by Georgetown
Category: Announcement
Kathryn M. de Luna
Associate Professor
PhD, Northwestern, 2008
Pre-Colonial Africa; Historical Linguistics
deLuna@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty
Dagomar Degroot
Associate Professor
PhD, York University, 2014
Environmental History; Historical Climatology; Early Modern Cultural, Economic, and Military Histories
Dagomar.Degroot@georgetown.eduCategory: Profile--Faculty