Dr. Larisa Veloz Wins the 2017 Glassman Award
Posted in Announcement | Tagged Alumni, PhD

The Georgetown Graduate School of Arts and Sciences has named Dr. Larisa Veloz the recipient of the 2017 Harold N. Glassman Award for a Dissertation in the Humanities. The Glassman is the University’s highest accolade to its recent doctoral alumni for scholarly accomplishment each year. Dr. Veloz continues the Department’s record of excellence with the Glassman, marking the fourteenth time since 1999 that a History graduate has been so recognized.
Dr. Veloz’s dissertation is entitled “‘Even the Women Are Leaving’ Gendered Migrations between Mexico and the United States: Revolutionary Diasporas, Depression-Era Depatriations, and Wartime Bracero Controls, 1900-1950.” Dr. Veloz’s dissertation director was Prof. John Tutino. Profs. Katherine Benton-Cohen and Bryan McCann also sat on her dissertation committee.
Dr. Veloz is currently an assistant professor of History at University of Texas-El Paso.
The Glassman Award will be conferred on Dr. Veloz at the Graduate School commencement ceremony on Friday, May 19, 2017.
Congratulations to Dr. Veloz, and thanks to all those who contributed to her accomplishment.