Dr. Eric Gettig Wins the 2018 Glassman Award
Posted in Announcement | Tagged Alumni, PhD

Congratulations to Eric Gettig on winning Georgetown’s 2018 Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities!
The Glassman is the University’s highest accolade to its recent doctoral alumni for scholarly accomplishment each year.
Dr. Gettig’s dissertation is titled, “Oil and Revolution in Cuba: Development, Nationalism, and the U.S. Energy Empire, 1902-1961.” His committee was composed of Professors David Painter (advisor), John Tutino, and Aviel Roshwald.
Dr. Gettig is currently a post-doctoral affiliate in the Center for Latin American Studies at Georgetown, lectures in the School of Foreign Service, and also serves as a Senior Associate at the Americas Program in the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Dr. Gettig continues the Department’s strong record in winning the Glassman–History doctoral graduates have been conferred this award fifteen times since 1999.
Congratulations again to Dr. Gettig and to all those who assisted him in this accomplishment.